Green Bay students raise perch, practice aquaculture

Green Bay students raise trout in class
Green Bay high school students are raising trout at school while learning about aquaculture.

GREEN BAY — Green Bay high schoolers are raising hundreds of perch for sale while using byproducts from the process to grow plants to eat, according to WFRV-TV.

“The trout back there, they were like this big,” Student Lab Assistant Ben Haines told the TV station, indicating a small fish with his fingers. “Now they’re probably like 14 inches or so.”

The fishes’ wastes nourishes edible plants.

“I can get from seed to market-sized lettuce and greens in six weeks,”  agriscience teacher Tom Sebranek said. “So we can cycle that throughout and actually feed our own schools fresh stuff that we wouldn’t have to worry about.”

Read the story and watch video at the station’s website